
Inferno Ride Details
Category: Spectacular Ride
Height Requirement: 48 inches
Capacity: 16 People
Manufacturer: KMG
Purchase Date: October 2004


Riders must be at least 48 inches to ride and no taller than 6 foot 6 inches. Riders must sit upright. Ride is one person per car. Riders must fit within the over-the-shoulder restraint. Riders must ascend/descend two or more steps at the entrance and exit. The Inferno is a thrill ride in every sense of the word. Passengers are secured by over the shoulder harnesses as they dangle in expectation. Once the ride begins the seats slowly rotate as the entire boom begins to swing horizontally. Passengers swing over the Midway watching from the front of the ride. Stats: Height 70 ft., Angle 120, Speed- Crazy!

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